Eyes 2.1 Horror Game Download for PC

Eyes - The Horror Game is an adventure horror game with first person perspective that differs from other slenderman-like games in term that Eyes brings more interesting approach and strategy to get to the main mission. In the gameplay, you main task is to collect 20 money bags while trying your best strategy to avoid from facing the flying head ghost that is pursueing from the beginning of play. When the ghost is getting closer, you will notice some paranormal phenomenons like lamp or vase shaking randomly.
If the ghost is very close, the Run! warning appears, meaning you have to run as fast as possible. But if you want to see it directly, just let it come to you. In a unique way, the author has prepared interesting feature namely the eye sign on the wall. Collect/click it and then press Q to get the vision of the ghost. Through that vision, you can see what the ghost is seeing. This helps identify its position and movement.

  • W, A, S, D = Move
  • Shift = Run
  • Spacebar = Jump
  • M = Show map
  • P = Pause/Menu
  • Q = Ghost vision after clicking the eye sign.

Download Eyes 2.1
